Bringing safety processes
      out of the office and into the field


A Program Born Out of Frustration
Every company is supposed to have a safety process in place. But as we realized, many don’t… and those that do usually have the manuals and process sheets sitting in the supervisor’s office or in the cab of a pickup truck.

As an experienced safety consultants, we were frustrated that no one was referring to these safety measures on a daily basis. We saw the need during the morning line-out process for construction companies—if supervisors would add just a few minutes to that time to remind and guide the workers, “Today I want you to go build that wall. But I want you to use the ladder safely, like this. And remember to follow these procedures with the nail gun…”

Take It from Safety Professionals
We decided to take field briefing theory and turn it into a daily work process for companies whose work involves risk of illness or injury (I2P2 / IIPP). “We created a good safety program that everyone could use—no excuse. It can be implemented just as easily for a small company as a large one.”

“This is Cheaper Than Insurance!”

As one recent customer commented to us, the benefits of this program far outweigh the modest cost. Best of all, you’re only buying for your company’s size. There is no book purchase minimum or bulk packaging. It’s totally customizable.

Experienced and Educated in Safety...
We have been  instrumental in reducing Mod rates for clients from over 1.25 to less than .80 and as low as .55.

We have helped owners of construction, winery and other businesses prepare and present their defense to Cal/OSHA. On behalf of small-business owners, and have regularly participated in public advisory meetings, developing new safety regulations for everything from pneumatic nailers and fall protection, to heat injury and illness prevention.
(916) 967-2880