Bringing safety processes
      out of the office and into the field


All companies benefit from a safety program in preventing the next injury. But the consequences and costs of a serious injury are more significant to small- and medium-size companies, which makes a safety program that much more critical.

Why are accidents so common?
Owners of small- and medium-size companies generally lack the time, knowledge and means to develop an effective safety strategy.

When it's too late...
The importance of a proactive I2P2/IIPP injury prevention process becomes apparent only after a serious injury.  Recurring accidents and injuries will necessitate leadership having to commit more time and energy to maintaining a safe a workplace.

An effective safety program with a task hazard process
prevents injuries. This is important because:

• Preventing injuries promotes efficiency and company branding
• Injuries impact work and the lives of employees and their families
• Recurring injuries implies poor problem solving skills
• An injured employee reduces competitiveness
• Preventing dangerous shortcuts stops injuries
• Employees’ participation builds a culture of safety

(916) 967-2880