Bringing safety processes
      out of the office and into the field


(916) 967-2880
Benefits begin immediately
As soon as your company's leadership implements the Pocket Safety Program, your workplace becomes a safer place. No news is good news, so the biggest difference you'll see will be a lack of incidents. But you'll also experience a boost in employee morale, better efficiency, stronger company branding, and improved quality of life for employees and their families.

Extra level of legal protection
If your employee does get sick or injured on the job while in possession of their Pocket Safety guide and in spite of your safety program in place, you now have proof that you took every step possible to prevent the incident—which could save you thousands of dollars in OSHA fines, among other potential legal fees.

The right stuff for the job
Pocket Safety Program has the eight foundational elements
required for an I2P2 /
IIP3, as well as additional codes, provisions, policies,
and processes needed to prevent work-related illnesses and injuries.

Key Pocket Safety Program principles
• Top Management Committing to a Safer Workplace (Leadership)
• Supervisors’ Recognizing Hazards and Safe Work Practices (Training)
• Employees’ Involvement and Participating in Safety (Mentoring)
• Continuous Improvement through Verification and Communication

Unlike most safety programs, which usually are studied once and then stuffed into a desk or glove compartment, the Pocket Safety Program I2P3 is designed for real-world use, to address real-world risks.

The Pocket Safety Program is meant for business owners and field supervisors, as well as those they oversee. It provides guidance, recognizing and correcting hazards, promoting positive employee participation, communicating safety expectations and preventing costly injuries and losses, including:
• Loss of Employee Productivity
• Employee Pain and Suffering
• Damaged Client Relationships
• Damaged Company Branding
• Damaged Equipment